Registration is a two-step process: payment of fees and enrollment in classes. Students can enroll in classes, but without fee payment by the published deadline, classes are dropped.
Paying Registration Fees
Options for paying fees, payment deadlines, and BruinBill account information
Conditions of Registration
Details about medical health insurance requirement, waiving UCSHIP, and immunization requirements
Under some circumstances, students may have a hold placed on their records that could affect registration, enrollment, and other University services
Declare Nonattendance
Continuing students who are planning on not attending UCLA must declare nonattendance through MyUCLA
Students who have paid their fees may be eligible to withdraw from a term after it has begun if they have not completed any of their enrolled classes
Refunds and Reductions
Depending on certain conditions, some students may be eligible for refunds, fee reductions, or fee exemptions
Reduced Fee Programs
Reduced fee programs for undergraduate and graduate students, and university employees