Grades are accessed through MyUCLA. Grades are rarely revised, but incomplete grades may be completed.
All grades for a completed term are accessible through MyUCLA no later than two weeks after the last day of final examinations. If grades are not available, they have not been received from the instructor or are still being processed.
- If a grade is missing, contact the instructor or the department that offered the course. Do not call the Registrar’s Office directly for grades.
- If a grade is different from what was expected, contact the course instructor for explanation.
All grades except DR, I, and IP are final when filed by the instructor in the end-of-term course report. Thereafter, a grade change may be made only in case of a clerical or procedural error or other unusual circumstances. For information about UCLA grade policies, see the Academic Policies section of the UCLA General Catalog.
Grade Revision
No grade may be revised by re-examination or, with the exception of the I and IP grades, by completing additional work. Students who are dissatisfied with a grade may request a review of their work with their instructor and an explanation of the grade assigned. All grade changes are recorded on the transcript.
Incomplete (I) Grade Removal
Once an Incomplete (I) grade is assigned, it remains on the transcript along with the passing grade a student may later receive for the course. An instructor may assign the I grade when work is of passing quality but is incomplete for a good cause (such as illness or other serious problem).
If the work is not completed by the end of the next full term in residence, the I grade lapses to an F, NP, or U as appropriate. The College or school may extend the completion deadline in unusual cases. Graduate students should consult their departmental adviser.
Active Duty Military Incomplete
Enrolled UCLA students may request an incomplete grade if they meet these three conditions
- Are members of the U.S. Armed Forces or National Guard
- Are called to active duty, state training, or state service
- Are using an education benefit administered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), also known as a chapter benefit
These students may also request an extension of the completion deadline until they resume attendance at UCLA.