Codes and abbreviations for current departments and subject areas are available.
Updated October 2024
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Department Name | Abbreviation | Subject Area Name | Abbreviation | Div | School |
Aerospace Studies | AERO ST | Aerospace Studies | AERO ST | SS | LS |
African American Studies | AF AMER | African American Studies | AF AMER | SS | LS |
African Studies | AFRC ST | African Studies | AFRC ST | IS | LS |
American Indian Studies | AM IND | American Indian Studies | AM IND | SS | LS |
Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine | ANES PM | Anesthesiology | ANES | MN | MN |
Anthropology | ANTHRO | Anthropology | ANTHRO | SS | LS |
Applied Linguistics | APPLING | African Languages (pre-15F) | AF LANG | HU | LS |
Applied Linguistics | APPLING | Applied Linguistics | APPLING | HU | LS |
Archaeology | ARCHEOL | Archaeology | ARCHEOL | SS | LS |
Architecture and Urban Design | ARCH&UD | Architecture and Urban Design | ARCH&UD | AA | AA |
Art | ART | Art | ART | AA | AA |
Art History | ART HIS | Art History | ART HIS | HU | LS |
Arts and Architecture | ART&ARC | Arts and Architecture | ART&ARC | AA | AA |
Asian American Studies | ASIA AM | Asian American Studies | ASIA AM | SS | LS |
Asian Languages and Cultures | ASIA LC | Asian | ASIAN | HU | LS |
Asian Languages and Cultures | ASIA LC | Chinese | CHIN | HU | LS |
Asian Languages and Cultures | ASIA LC | Filipino | FILIPNO | HU | LS |
Asian Languages and Cultures | ASIA LC | Hindi-Urdu | HIN-URD | HU | LS |
Asian Languages and Cultures | ASIA LC | Indonesian | INDO | HU | LS |
Asian Languages and Cultures | ASIA LC | Japanese | JAPAN | HU | LS |
Asian Languages and Cultures | ASIA LC | Korean | KOREA | HU | LS |
Asian Languages and Cultures | ASIA LC | South Asian | S ASIAN | HU | LS |
Asian Languages and Cultures | ASIA LC | Southeast Asian | SEASIAN | HU | LS |
Asian Languages and Cultures | ASIA LC | Thai | THAI | HU | LS |
Asian Languages and Cultures | ASIA LC | Vietnamese | VIETMSE | HU | LS |
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | A&O SCI | Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | A&O SCI | PS | LS |
Bioengineering | BIOENGR | Bioengineering | BIOENGR | EN | EN |
Bioinformatics | BIOINFO | Bioinformatics | BIOINFO | LF | LS |
Biological Chemistry | BIOL CH | Biological Chemistry | BIOL CH | MN | MN |
Biomathematics (pre-19F) | BIOMATH | Biomathematics | BIOMATH | MN | MN |
Biomedical Research | BMD RES | Biomedical Research | BMD RES | LF | LS |
Biostatistics | BIOSTAT | Biostatistics | BIOSTAT | PH | PH |
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering | CHM&BE | Chemical Engineering | CH ENGR | EN | EN |
Chemistry and Biochemistry | CHEM | Applied Chemical Sciences | APP CHEM | PS | LS |
Chemistry and Biochemistry | CHEM | Chemistry and Biochemistry | CHEM | PS | LS |
Chicana and Chicano Studies (Pre-21W) | CHICANO | Chicana and Chicano Studies (Pre-21W) | CHICANO | SS | LS |
Chicana/o and Central American Studies | CCAS | Chicana/o and Central American Studies | CCAS | SS | LS |
Civic Engagement | CIVIC | Civic Engagement (Pre-19F) | CIVIC | GS | LS |
Civil and Environmental Engineering | C&EE | Civil and Environmental Engineering | C&EE | EN | EN |
Classics | CLASSIC | Classics | CLASSIC | HU | LS |
Classics | CLASSIC | Greek | GREEK | HU | LS |
Classics | CLASSIC | Latin | LATIN | HU | LS |
Cluster Program | CLST PG | Clusters | CLUSTER | GS | LS |
Communication | COMM | Communication | COMM | SS | LS |
Communication Studies (pre-17F) | COMM ST | Communication Studies (pre-17F) | COMM ST | SS | LS |
Community Engagement and Social Change | CESC | Community Engagement and Social Change | CESC | GS | LS |
Community Health Sciences | COM HLT | Community Health Sciences | COM HLT | PH | PH |
Comparative Literature | COM LIT | Comparative Literature | COM LIT | HU | LS |
Computational and Systems Biology | C&S BIO | Computational and Systems Biology | C&S BIO | LF | LS |
Computational Medicine | COM MED | Biomathematics | BIOMATH | MN | MN |
Computational Medicine | COM MED | Data Science in Biomedicine | DS BMED | MN | MN |
Computer Science | COM SCI | Bioinformatics (undergraduate) | BIOINFR | EN | EN |
Computer Science | COM SCI | Computer Science | COM SCI | EN | EN |
Conservation of Cultural Heritage | CLT HTG | Conservation of Cultural Heritage | CLT HTG | SS | LS |
Dentistry | DENT | Dentistry | DENT | DN | DN |
Dentistry | DENT | Oral Biology | ORL BIO | DN | DN |
Design | Media Arts | DESMA | Design | Media Arts | DESMA | AA | AA |
Digital Humanities | DGT HUM | Digital Humanities | DGT HUM | HU | LS |
Disability Studies | DIS STD | Disability Studies | DIS STD | GS | LS |
Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences | EPS SCI | Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences | EPS SCI | PS | LS |
East Asian Studies | E A STD | East Asian Studies | EA STDS | IS | LS |
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | EE BIOL | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | EE BIOL | LF | LS |
Economics | ECON | Economics | ECON | SS | LS |
Education | EDUC | Education | EDUC | EI | EI |
Electrical and Computer Engineering | EC ENGR | Electrical and Computer Engineering | EC ENGR | EN | EN |
Electrical Engineering (pre-18W) | EL ENGR | Electrical Engineering | EL ENGR | EN | EN |
Engineering and Applied Science | ENGR | Engineering | ENGR | EN | EN |
English | ENGL | English | ENGL | HU | LS |
Environment and Sustainability | ENVIRON | Environment | ENVIRON | GS | LS |
Environmental and Molecular Toxicology | E M TOX | Molecular Toxicology | MOL TOX | PH | PH |
Environmental Health Sciences | ENV HLT | Environmental Health Sciences | ENV HLT | PH | PH |
Epidemiology | EPIDEM | Epidemiology | EPIDEM | PH | PH |
Ethnomusicology | ETHNOMU | Ethnomusicology (pre-16F) | ETHNOMU | AA | AA |
Ethnomusicology | ETHNMUS | Ethnomusicology | ETHNMUS | MU | MU |
European Languages and Transcultural Studies | ELTS | Dutch | DUTCH | HU | LS |
European Languages and Transcultural Studies | ELTS | European Languages and Transcultural Studies | ELTS | HU | LS |
European Languages and Transcultural Studies | ELTS | French | FRNCH | HU | LS |
European Languages and Transcultural Studies | ELTS | German | GERMAN | HU | LS |
European Languages and Transcultural Studies | ELTS | Italian | ITALIAN | HU | LS |
European Languages and Transcultural Studies | ELTS | Scandinavian | SCAND | HU | LS |
European Languages and Transcultural Studies | ELTS | Yiddish | YIDDSH | HU | LS |
Family Medicine | FAM MED | Family Medicine | FAM MED | MN | MN |
Fiat Lux | FIAT LX | Fiat Lux | FIAT LX | GS | LS |
Film, Television, and Digital Media | FTV&DM | Film and Television | FILM TV | TF | TF |
Food Studies | FOOD ST | Food Studies | FOOD ST | GS | LS |
Gender Studies | GEN STD | Gender Studies | GENDER | SS | LS |
General Education Clusters (pre-17F) | GE CLST | General Education Clusters (pre-17F) | GE CLST | GS | LS |
Geography | GEOG | Geography | GEOG | SS | LS |
Gerontology | GRNTLGY | Gerontology | GRNTLGY | PA | PA |
Global Health | GLB HLT | Global Health | GLB HLT | IS | LS |
Global Jazz Studies | GJ STDS | Global Jazz Studies | GJ STDS | MU | MU |
Global Studies | GLBL ST | Global Studies | GLBL ST | IS | LS |
Graduate Division | GRADDIV | Graduate Student Professional Development | GRAD PD | GI | GD |
Health Policy and Management | HLT POL | Health Policy and Management | HLT POL | PH | PH |
Health Policy and Management | HLT POL | Healthcare Administration | HLT ADM | PH | PH |
History | HIST | History | HIST | SS | LS |
Honors Collegium | HNRS | Honors Collegium | HNRS | GS | LS |
Human Genetics | HUM GEN | Human Genetics | HUM GEN | MN | MN |
Indo-European Studies | I E STD | Indo-European Studies | I E STD | HU | LS |
Information Studies | INF STD | Information Studies | INF STD | EI | EI |
Integrative Biology and Physiology | INT B&P | Physiological Science | PHYSCI | LF | LS |
International and Area Studies | I A STD | International and Area Studies | I A STD | IS | LS |
International Development Studies | INTL DV | International Development Studies | INTL DV | IS | LS |
International Migration Studies | I M STD | International Migration Studies | I M STD | IS | LS |
Labor and Workplace Studies | LBR&WS | Labor and Workplace Studies (pre-20W) | LBR&WS | SS | LS |
Labor Studies | LBR STD | Labor Studies | LBR STD | SS | LS |
Latin American Studies | LATN AM | Latin American Studies | LATN AM | IS | LS |
Law | LAW | Law (graduate) | LAW | LW | LW |
Law | LAW | Undergraduate Law | UG-LAW | LW | LW |
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies (pre-16F) | LGBTS | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies (pre-16F) | LGBTS | HU | LS |
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies | LGBTQS | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies | LGBTQS | HU | LS |
Life Sciences | LIFESCI | Life Sciences | LIFESCI | LF | LS |
Linguistics | LING | American Sign Language | ASL | HU | LS |
Linguistics | LING | Linguistics | LING | HU | LS |
Linguistics | LING | Swahili | SWAHILI | HU | LS |
Management | MGMT | International Exchange Program | IEP | MG | MG |
Management | MGMT | Management | MGMT | MG | MG |
Management | MGMT | Management-Executive MBA | MGMTEX | MG | MG |
Management | MGMT | Management-Full-Time MBA | MGMTFT | MG | MG |
Management | MGMT | Management-Fully Employed MBA | MGMTFE | MG | MG |
Management | MGMT | Management-Global Executive MBA Asia Pacific | MGMTGEX | MG | MG |
Management | MGMT | Management-Master of Financial Engineering | MGMTMFE | MG | MG |
Management | MGMT | Management-Master of Science in Business Analytics | MGMTMSA | MG | MG |
Management | MGMT | Management-PhD | MGMTPHD | MG | MG |
Materials Science and Engineering | MAT SCI | Materials Science and Engineering | MAT SCI | EN | EN |
Mathematics | MATH | Mathematics | MATH | PS | LS |
Mathematics | MATH | Program in Computing | COMPTNG | PS | LS |
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering | MECH&AE | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering | MECH&AE | EN | EN |
Medicine | MED | Medicine | MED | MN | MN |
Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics | MIMG | Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics | MIMG | LF | LS |
Military Science | MIL SCI | Military Science | MIL SCI | SS | LS |
Molecular and Medical Pharmacology | M PHARM | Molecular and Medical Pharmacology | M PHARM | MN | MN |
Molecular Biology | MOL BIO | Molecular Biology | MOL BIO | LF | LS |
Molecular Toxicology (Pre-24F) | MOL TOX | Molecular Toxicology | MOL TOX | PH | PH |
Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology | MCD BIO | Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology | MCD BIO | LF | LS |
Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Physiology | MC&IP | Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Physiology | MC&IP | LF | LS |
Moving Image Archive Studies | MIA STD | Moving Image Archive Studies (pre-16F) | MIA STD | TF | TF |
Music | MUSIC | Music (pre-16F) | MUSIC | AA | AA |
Music | MUSC | Music | MUSC | MU | MU |
Music Industry | MUS IND | Music Industry (pre-16F) | MUS IND | AA | AA |
Music Industry | MSC IND | Music Industry | MSC IND | MU | MU |
Musicology | MUSCLGY | Music History (pre-16F) | MUS HST | HU | LS |
Musicology | MUSCLG | Music History | MSC HST | MU | MU |
Musicology | MUSCLGY | Musicology (pre-16F) | MUSCLGY | HU | LS |
Musicology | MUSCLG | Musicology | MUSCLG | MU | MU |
Naval Science | NAV SCI | Naval Science | NAV SCI | SS | LS |
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures | NR EAST | Ancient Near East | AN N EA | HU | LS |
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures | NR EAST | Arabic | ARABIC | HU | LS |
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures | NR EAST | Armenian | ARMENIA | HU | LS |
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures | NR EAST | Hebrew | HEBREW | HU | LS |
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures | NR EAST | Iranian | IRANIAN | HU | LS |
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures | NR EAST | Islamic Studies | ISLM ST | HU | LS |
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures | NR EAST | Jewish Studies | JEWISH | HU | LS |
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures | NR EAST | Middle Eastern Studies | M E STD | HU | LS |
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures | NR EAST | Near Eastern Languages | NR EAST | HU | LS |
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures | NR EAST | Semitic | SEMITIC | HU | LS |
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures | NR EAST | Turkic Languages | TURKIC | HU | LS |
Neurobiology | NEURBIO | Medical History | MED HIS | MN | MN |
Neurobiology | NEURBIO | Neurobiology | NEURBIO | MN | MN |
Neurology | NEURLGY | Neurology | NEURLGY | MN | MN |
Neuroscience | NEUROSC | Neuroscience (undergraduate) | NEUROSC | LF | LS |
Neuroscience (Graduate) | NEURO | Neuroscience (Graduate) | NEURO | MN | MN |
Neurosurgery | NEURSGY | Neurosurgery | NEURSGY | MN | MN |
No Equivalent UCLA Department for Transfer Courses | NONDEPT | No Equivalent UCLA Department for Transfer Courses | NONDEPT | - | - |
Nursing | NURSING | Nursing | NURSING | NS | NS |
Obstetrics and Gynecology | OBGYN | Obstetrics and Gynecology | OBGYN | MN | MN |
Ophthalmology | OPTH | Ophthalmology | OPTH | MN | MN |
Orthopaedic Surgery | ORTHPDC | Orthopaedic Surgery | ORTHPDC | MN | MN |
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine | PATH | Pathology and Laboratory Medicine | PATH | MN | MN |
Pediatrics | PEDS | Pediatrics | PEDS | MN | MN |
Philosophy | PHILOS | Philosophy | PHILOS | HU | LS |
Physics and Astronomy | PHY&AST | Astronomy | ASTR | PS | LS |
Physics and Astronomy | PHY&AST | Physics | PHYSICS | PS | LS |
Physics and Astronomy | PHY&AST | Quantum Science and Technology | QNT SCI | PS | LS |
Physics and Biology in Medicine | PBMED | Physics and Biology in Medicine | PBMED | MN | MN |
Physiology | PHYSIOL | Physiology | PHYSIOL | MN | MN |
Political Science | POL SCI | Political Science | POL SCI | SS | LS |
Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences | PSYCTRY | Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences | PSYCTRY | MN | MN |
Psychology | PSYCH | Psychology | PSYCH | LF | LS |
Public Affairs | PUB AFF | Public Affairs | PUB AFF | PA | PA |
Public Health | PUB HLT | Public Health | PUB HLT | PH | PH |
Public Policy | PUB PLC | Public Policy | PUB PLC | PA | PA |
Radiation Oncology | RAD ONC | Radiation Oncology | RAD ONC | MN | MN |
Radiological Sciences | RADIOL | Radiological Science | RADIOL | MN | MN |
Religion, Study of | RELIGN | Religion, Study of | RELIGN | HU | LS |
Research Practice | RES PRC | Research Practice | RES PRC | GS | LS |
Science Education | SCI EDU | Science Education | SCI EDU | PS | LS |
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures | SEEELC | Bulgarian | BULGR | HU | LS |
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures | SEEELC | Central and East European Studies | C&EE ST | HU | LS |
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures | SEEELC | Czech | CZCH | HU | LS |
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures | SEEELC | Hungarian | HNGAR | HU | LS |
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures | SEEELC | Lithuanian | LTHUAN | HU | LS |
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures | SEEELC | Polish | POLSH | HU | LS |
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures | SEEELC | Romanian | ROMANIA | HU | LS |
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures | SEEELC | Russian | RUSSN | HU | LS |
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures | SEEELC | Serbian/Croatian | SRB CRO | HU | LS |
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures | SEEELC | Slavic | SLAVC | HU | LS |
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures | SEEELC | Ukrainian | UKRN | HU | LS |
Social Science | SOC SC | Social Science | SOC SC | SS | LS |
Social Thought | SOC THT | Social Thought | SOC THT | SS | LS |
Social Welfare | SOC WLF | Social Welfare | SOC WLF | PA | PA |
Society and Genetics | SOC GEN | Society and Genetics | SOC GEN | LF | LS |
Sociology | SOCIOL | Sociology | SOCIOL | SS | LS |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPAN | Indigenous Languages of the Americas | IL AMER | HU | LS |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPAN | Portuguese | PORTGSE | HU | LS |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPAN | Spanish | SPAN | HU | LS |
Statistics (pre-23S) | STATS | Statistics | STATS | PS | LS |
Statistics and Data Science | STAT DS | Statistics | STATS | PS | LS |
Summer Sessions | SUMMER | Summer Sessions | SUMMER | SM | SM |
Surgery | SURGERY | Surgery | SURGERY | MN | MN |
Theater | THEATER | Theater | THEATER | TF | TF |
University Studies | UNIV ST | University Studies | UNIV ST | GS | LS |
Urban Planning | URBN PL | Real Estate Development | RE DEV | PA | PA |
Urban Planning | URBN PL | Urban Planning | URBN PL | PA | PA |
Urology | UROLOGY | Urology | UROLOGY | MN | MN |
Visual and Performing Arts Education | VPA ED | Arts Education | ARTS ED | AA | AA |
World Arts and Cultures/Dance | WAC/DAN | Dance | DANCE | AA | AA |
World Arts and Cultures/Dance | WAC/DAN | World Arts and Cultures | WL ARTS | AA | AA |
Writing Programs | WRITING | English as a Second Language | ESL | HU | LS |
Writing Programs | WRITING | English Composition | ENGCOMP | HU | LS |