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UCLA Registrar's Office

Codes and abbreviations for current departments and subject areas are available.

Updated October 2024

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Department Name Abbreviation Subject Area Name Abbreviation Div School
Aerospace Studies AERO ST Aerospace Studies AERO ST SS LS
African American Studies AF AMER African American Studies AF AMER SS LS
African Studies AFRC ST African Studies AFRC ST IS LS
American Indian Studies AM IND American Indian Studies AM IND SS LS
Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine ANES PM Anesthesiology ANES MN MN
Anthropology ANTHRO Anthropology ANTHRO SS LS
Applied Linguistics APPLING African Languages (pre-15F) AF LANG HU LS
Applied Linguistics APPLING Applied Linguistics APPLING HU LS
Archaeology ARCHEOL Archaeology ARCHEOL SS LS
Architecture and Urban Design ARCH&UD Architecture and Urban Design ARCH&UD AA AA
Art History ART HIS Art History ART HIS HU LS
Arts and Architecture ART&ARC Arts and Architecture ART&ARC AA AA
Asian American Studies ASIA AM Asian American Studies ASIA AM SS LS
Asian Languages and Cultures ASIA LC Asian ASIAN HU LS
Asian Languages and Cultures ASIA LC Chinese CHIN HU LS
Asian Languages and Cultures ASIA LC Filipino FILIPNO HU LS
Asian Languages and Cultures ASIA LC Hindi-Urdu HIN-URD HU LS
Asian Languages and Cultures ASIA LC Indonesian INDO HU LS
Asian Languages and Cultures ASIA LC Japanese JAPAN HU LS
Asian Languages and Cultures ASIA LC Korean KOREA HU LS
Asian Languages and Cultures ASIA LC South Asian S ASIAN HU LS
Asian Languages and Cultures ASIA LC Southeast Asian SEASIAN HU LS
Asian Languages and Cultures ASIA LC Thai THAI HU LS
Asian Languages and Cultures ASIA LC Vietnamese VIETMSE HU LS
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences A&O SCI Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences A&O SCI PS LS
Bioengineering BIOENGR Bioengineering BIOENGR EN EN
Bioinformatics BIOINFO Bioinformatics BIOINFO LF LS
Biological Chemistry BIOL CH Biological Chemistry BIOL CH MN MN
Biomathematics (pre-19F) BIOMATH Biomathematics BIOMATH MN MN
Biomedical Research BMD RES Biomedical Research BMD RES LF LS
Biostatistics BIOSTAT Biostatistics BIOSTAT PH PH
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering CHM&BE Chemical Engineering CH ENGR EN EN
Chemistry and Biochemistry CHEM Applied Chemical Sciences APP CHEM PS LS
Chemistry and Biochemistry CHEM Chemistry and Biochemistry CHEM PS LS
Chicana and Chicano Studies (Pre-21W) CHICANO Chicana and Chicano Studies (Pre-21W) CHICANO SS LS
Chicana/o and Central American Studies CCAS Chicana/o and Central American Studies CCAS SS LS
Civic Engagement CIVIC Civic Engagement (Pre-19F) CIVIC GS LS
Civil and Environmental Engineering C&EE Civil and Environmental Engineering C&EE EN EN
Cluster Program CLST PG Clusters CLUSTER GS LS
Communication COMM Communication COMM SS LS
Communication Studies (pre-17F) COMM ST Communication Studies (pre-17F) COMM ST SS LS
Community Engagement and Social Change CESC Community Engagement and Social Change CESC GS LS
Community Health Sciences COM HLT Community Health Sciences COM HLT PH PH
Comparative Literature COM LIT Comparative Literature COM LIT HU LS
Computational and Systems Biology C&S BIO Computational and Systems Biology C&S BIO LF LS
Computational Medicine COM MED Biomathematics BIOMATH MN MN
Computational Medicine COM MED Data Science in Biomedicine DS BMED MN MN
Computer Science COM SCI Bioinformatics (undergraduate) BIOINFR EN EN
Computer Science COM SCI Computer Science COM SCI EN EN
Conservation of Cultural Heritage CLT HTG Conservation of Cultural Heritage CLT HTG SS LS
Dentistry DENT Dentistry DENT DN DN
Dentistry DENT Oral Biology ORL BIO DN DN
Design | Media Arts DESMA Design | Media Arts DESMA AA AA
Digital Humanities DGT HUM Digital Humanities DGT HUM HU LS
Disability Studies DIS STD Disability Studies DIS STD GS LS
Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences EPS SCI Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences EPS SCI PS LS
East Asian Studies E A STD East Asian Studies EA STDS IS LS
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology EE BIOL Ecology and Evolutionary Biology EE BIOL LF LS
Economics ECON Economics ECON SS LS
Education EDUC Education EDUC EI EI
Electrical and Computer Engineering EC ENGR Electrical and Computer Engineering EC ENGR EN EN
Electrical Engineering (pre-18W) EL ENGR Electrical Engineering EL ENGR EN EN
Engineering and Applied Science ENGR Engineering ENGR EN EN
English ENGL English ENGL HU LS
Environment and Sustainability ENVIRON Environment ENVIRON GS LS
Environmental and Molecular Toxicology E M TOX Molecular Toxicology MOL TOX PH PH
Environmental Health Sciences ENV HLT Environmental Health Sciences ENV HLT PH PH
Epidemiology EPIDEM Epidemiology EPIDEM PH PH
Ethnomusicology ETHNOMU Ethnomusicology (pre-16F) ETHNOMU AA AA
Ethnomusicology ETHNMUS Ethnomusicology ETHNMUS MU MU
European Languages and Transcultural Studies ELTS Dutch DUTCH HU LS
European Languages and Transcultural Studies ELTS European Languages and Transcultural Studies ELTS HU LS
European Languages and Transcultural Studies ELTS French FRNCH HU LS
European Languages and Transcultural Studies ELTS German GERMAN HU LS
European Languages and Transcultural Studies ELTS Italian ITALIAN HU LS
European Languages and Transcultural Studies ELTS Scandinavian SCAND HU LS
European Languages and Transcultural Studies ELTS Yiddish YIDDSH HU LS
Family Medicine FAM MED Family Medicine FAM MED MN MN
Film, Television, and Digital Media FTV&DM Film and Television FILM TV TF TF
Food Studies FOOD ST Food Studies FOOD ST GS LS
Gender Studies GEN STD Gender Studies GENDER SS LS
General Education Clusters (pre-17F) GE CLST General Education Clusters (pre-17F) GE CLST GS LS
Geography GEOG Geography GEOG SS LS
Gerontology GRNTLGY Gerontology GRNTLGY PA PA
Global Health GLB HLT Global Health GLB HLT IS LS
Global Jazz Studies GJ STDS Global Jazz Studies GJ STDS MU MU
Global Studies GLBL ST Global Studies GLBL ST IS LS
Graduate Division GRADDIV Graduate Student Professional Development GRAD PD GI GD
Health Policy and Management HLT POL Health Policy and Management HLT POL PH PH
Health Policy and Management HLT POL Healthcare Administration HLT ADM PH PH
History HIST History HIST SS LS
Honors Collegium HNRS Honors Collegium HNRS GS LS
Human Genetics HUM GEN Human Genetics HUM GEN MN MN
Indo-European Studies I E STD Indo-European Studies I E STD HU LS
Information Studies INF STD Information Studies INF STD EI EI
Integrative Biology and Physiology INT B&P Physiological Science PHYSCI LF LS
International and Area Studies I A STD International and Area Studies I A STD IS LS
International Development Studies INTL DV International Development Studies INTL DV IS LS
International Migration Studies I M STD International Migration Studies I M STD IS LS
Labor and Workplace Studies LBR&WS Labor and Workplace Studies (pre-20W) LBR&WS SS LS
Labor Studies LBR STD Labor Studies LBR STD SS LS
Latin American Studies LATN AM Latin American Studies LATN AM IS LS
Law LAW Law (graduate) LAW LW LW
Law LAW Undergraduate Law UG-LAW LW LW
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies (pre-16F) LGBTS Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies (pre-16F) LGBTS HU LS
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies LGBTQS Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies LGBTQS HU LS
Life Sciences LIFESCI Life Sciences LIFESCI LF LS
Linguistics LING American Sign Language ASL HU LS
Linguistics LING Linguistics LING HU LS
Linguistics LING Swahili SWAHILI HU LS
Management MGMT International Exchange Program IEP MG MG
Management MGMT Management MGMT MG MG
Management MGMT Management-Executive MBA MGMTEX MG MG
Management MGMT Management-Full-Time MBA MGMTFT MG MG
Management MGMT Management-Fully Employed MBA MGMTFE MG MG
Management MGMT Management-Global Executive MBA Asia Pacific MGMTGEX MG MG
Management MGMT Management-Master of Financial Engineering MGMTMFE MG MG
Management MGMT Management-Master of Science in Business Analytics MGMTMSA MG MG
Management MGMT Management-PhD MGMTPHD MG MG
Materials Science and Engineering MAT SCI Materials Science and Engineering MAT SCI EN EN
Mathematics MATH Mathematics MATH PS LS
Mathematics MATH Program in Computing COMPTNG PS LS
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering MECH&AE Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering MECH&AE EN EN
Medicine MED Medicine MED MN MN
Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics MIMG Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics MIMG LF LS
Military Science MIL SCI Military Science MIL SCI SS LS
Molecular and Medical Pharmacology M PHARM Molecular and Medical Pharmacology M PHARM MN MN
Molecular Biology MOL BIO Molecular Biology MOL BIO LF LS
Molecular Toxicology (Pre-24F) MOL TOX Molecular Toxicology MOL TOX PH PH
Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology MCD BIO Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology MCD BIO LF LS
Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Physiology MC&IP Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Physiology MC&IP LF LS
Moving Image Archive Studies MIA STD Moving Image Archive Studies (pre-16F) MIA STD TF TF
Music MUSIC Music (pre-16F) MUSIC AA AA
Music Industry MUS IND Music Industry (pre-16F) MUS IND AA AA
Music Industry MSC IND Music Industry MSC IND MU MU
Musicology MUSCLGY Music History (pre-16F) MUS HST HU LS
Musicology MUSCLG Music History MSC HST MU MU
Musicology MUSCLGY Musicology (pre-16F) MUSCLGY HU LS
Musicology MUSCLG Musicology MUSCLG MU MU
Naval Science NAV SCI Naval Science NAV SCI SS LS
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures NR EAST Ancient Near East AN N EA HU LS
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures NR EAST Arabic ARABIC HU LS
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures NR EAST Armenian ARMENIA HU LS
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures NR EAST Hebrew HEBREW HU LS
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures NR EAST Iranian IRANIAN HU LS
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures NR EAST Islamic Studies ISLM ST HU LS
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures NR EAST Jewish Studies JEWISH HU LS
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures NR EAST Middle Eastern Studies M E STD HU LS
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures NR EAST Near Eastern Languages NR EAST HU LS
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures NR EAST Semitic SEMITIC HU LS
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures NR EAST Turkic Languages TURKIC HU LS
Neurobiology NEURBIO Medical History MED HIS MN MN
Neurobiology NEURBIO Neurobiology NEURBIO MN MN
Neurology NEURLGY Neurology NEURLGY MN MN
Neuroscience NEUROSC Neuroscience (undergraduate) NEUROSC LF LS
Neuroscience (Graduate) NEURO Neuroscience (Graduate) NEURO MN MN
Neurosurgery NEURSGY Neurosurgery NEURSGY MN MN
No Equivalent UCLA Department for Transfer Courses NONDEPT No Equivalent UCLA Department for Transfer Courses NONDEPT - -
Obstetrics and Gynecology OBGYN Obstetrics and Gynecology OBGYN MN MN
Ophthalmology OPTH Ophthalmology OPTH MN MN
Orthopaedic Surgery ORTHPDC Orthopaedic Surgery ORTHPDC MN MN
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine PATH Pathology and Laboratory Medicine PATH MN MN
Pediatrics PEDS Pediatrics PEDS MN MN
Philosophy PHILOS Philosophy PHILOS HU LS
Physics and Astronomy PHY&AST Astronomy ASTR PS LS
Physics and Astronomy PHY&AST Physics PHYSICS PS LS
Physics and Astronomy PHY&AST Quantum Science and Technology QNT SCI PS LS
Physics and Biology in Medicine PBMED Physics and Biology in Medicine PBMED MN MN
Physiology PHYSIOL Physiology PHYSIOL MN MN
Political Science POL SCI Political Science POL SCI SS LS
Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences PSYCTRY Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences PSYCTRY MN MN
Psychology PSYCH Psychology PSYCH LF LS
Public Affairs PUB AFF Public Affairs PUB AFF PA PA
Public Health PUB HLT Public Health PUB HLT PH PH
Public Policy PUB PLC Public Policy PUB PLC PA PA
Radiation Oncology RAD ONC Radiation Oncology RAD ONC MN MN
Radiological Sciences RADIOL Radiological Science RADIOL MN MN
Religion, Study of RELIGN Religion, Study of RELIGN HU LS
Research Practice RES PRC Research Practice RES PRC GS LS
Science Education SCI EDU Science Education SCI EDU PS LS
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures SEEELC Bulgarian BULGR HU LS
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures SEEELC Central and East European Studies C&EE ST HU LS
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures SEEELC Czech CZCH HU LS
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures SEEELC Hungarian HNGAR HU LS
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures SEEELC Lithuanian LTHUAN HU LS
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures SEEELC Polish POLSH HU LS
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures SEEELC Romanian ROMANIA HU LS
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures SEEELC Russian RUSSN HU LS
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures SEEELC Serbian/Croatian SRB CRO HU LS
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures SEEELC Slavic SLAVC HU LS
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures SEEELC Ukrainian UKRN HU LS
Social Science SOC SC Social Science SOC SC SS LS
Social Thought SOC THT Social Thought SOC THT SS LS
Social Welfare SOC WLF Social Welfare SOC WLF PA PA
Society and Genetics SOC GEN Society and Genetics SOC GEN LF LS
Sociology SOCIOL Sociology SOCIOL SS LS
Spanish and Portuguese SPAN Indigenous Languages of the Americas IL AMER HU LS
Spanish and Portuguese SPAN Portuguese PORTGSE HU LS
Spanish and Portuguese SPAN Spanish SPAN HU LS
Statistics (pre-23S) STATS Statistics STATS PS LS
Statistics and Data Science STAT DS Statistics STATS PS LS
Summer Sessions SUMMER Summer Sessions SUMMER SM SM
University Studies UNIV ST University Studies UNIV ST GS LS
Urban Planning URBN PL Real Estate Development RE DEV PA PA
Urban Planning URBN PL Urban Planning URBN PL PA PA
Visual and Performing Arts Education VPA ED Arts Education ARTS ED AA AA
World Arts and Cultures/Dance WAC/DAN Dance DANCE AA AA
World Arts and Cultures/Dance WAC/DAN World Arts and Cultures WL ARTS AA AA
Writing Programs WRITING English as a Second Language ESL HU LS
Writing Programs WRITING English Composition ENGCOMP HU LS