Under limited circumstances and with prior approval, certain students may qualify for some reduced fees.
Undergraduate Students
Reduced Units
An undergraduate student who has received approval from the College/school to be enrolled in 10 or fewer units may be eligible for a one-half reduction in the tuition portion of registration fees and a one-half reduction in nonresident supplemental tuition, if applicable. Students must consult with the College or school for eligibility requirements.
If a student enrolls in or receives credit for more units than approved, a bill is issued for repayment of the amount by which fees were reduced.
Assessment of reduced fees is based on total enrolled units. An undergraduate student must be enrolled in 10 or fewer units as of Friday of the third week of the term.
Except for these qualified and approved part-time students, there is no reduction in the student services fee, tuition, nonresident supplemental tuition, IEI fee, student union, or Undergraduate Students Association fees.
Submission Deadline
To obtain approval, submit the fee reduction request to the appropriate College or school advising office by Friday of the second week of the term.
Graduate Students
Reduced Units
On department recommendation, graduate students who have been approved by the Division of Graduate Education for enrollment in 6 or fewer units may be eligible for a one half-reduction in tuition; and a one half-reduction in nonresident supplemental tuition and/or professional degree supplemental tuition, when applicable. For part-time status eligibility criteria, see the graduate student part-time enrollment web page.
Graduate student applications for part-time status must include a memo from the student’s faculty advisor. The memo must contain sufficient detail to allow the Division of Graduate Education to independently evaluate the need for, and feasibility of, part-time status. The memo must be signed by the department chair and, if applicable, the student’s Dashew Center counselor. A memo template may be downloaded from the part-time enrollment web page.
Part-time status may be requested for a maximum of three quarters. Extensions beyond this limit, for a total of up to six quarters, may be approved under exceptional circumstances.
Assessment of reduced fees is based on total enrolled units. A graduate student must be enrolled in 6 or fewer units as of Friday of the third week of the term.
Students in self-supporting degree programs, and those who have advanced to doctoral candidacy, are not eligible for fee reductions.
Filing Fee
Graduate students may be eligible for and billed a filing fee (half of the student services fee full amount) in lieu of the full student services fee for the term in which they expect to complete final degree requirements.
In Absentia Registration
Graduate students taking coursework or conducting research related to their degree programs more than 100 miles from UCLA may be eligible for in absentia registration, and reduction of the student services fee and tuition.
Submission Deadline
For all programs, submit the fee reduction request (completed application and memo) by Friday of the second week of the term.
Forms Media and Submission — All Students
The online fee reduction request should be completed and submitted through a browser on most devices. This is the preferred method for all requests.
Downloadable PDF forms, when available, are submitted through the Message Center or per form-specific instructions. Forms may be downloaded from the Registrar forms or Graduate Education forms websites, as appropriate.
If the student is unable to use either of these methods, paper forms may be available on request by contacting the Registrar’s Office or the individual College/school/division. Submission instructions are included with each form.
University Employees
Full-time UCLA employees may apply for reduced fee enrollment. Per personnel procedure 51, employees may be eligible for a two-thirds reduction of the student services fee and tuition. Other fee reductions may also be available. See the procedure for requirements and application details.
Students who use the part-time fee reduction from their academic dean may not also use the employee reduction. Only one reduction may be used per term.