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UCLA Registrar's Office

Guide to the official standardization of course listings to recognize entry-level research experiences as well as advanced departmental research seminars and upper-division tutorials.

The Undergraduate Council (UgC) approved the standardization of course listings to recognize entry-level research experiences as well as advanced departmental research seminars and upper-division tutorials. The standardization also makes it possible for the UgC, as well as College and school administrators and the University Office of the President (UCOP), to easily tally the number of students in each program who have had research experiences and who have completed advanced research though upper-division tutorial work or through senior projects.

The UCLA Course Approval Manual (PDF) is available online.

Lower-Division Seminars/Tutorials

19. Fiat Lux Freshman Seminars. (1 unit)
Grading: P/NP. Format: Seminar. Limited to 20 students. Taught by faculty in their areas of scholarship. Designed to engage students in an active learning environment with their peers and a distinguished faculty member.

88. Sophomore Seminars. (2-5 fixed units)
Grading: P/NP or Letter grade. Format: Seminar. Limited to maximum of 20 lower-division students. Readings and discussions designed to introduce students to current research in the discipline. Culminating project may be required.

88S. USIE Seminars (Undergraduate Student Initiated Education). (1 unit)
Grading: P/NP. Format: Seminar. Student facilitated seminars led by juniors or seniors under the close supervision of a faculty mentor.

89. Honors Seminars. (1 unit)
Grading: P/NP or Letter grade. Format: Seminar. Limited to 20 students. Adjunct to a lower-division lecture course. Explores topics in greater depth through supplemental readings, papers, or other activities. Led by instructor of the lecture course. Applies toward honors credit for eligible students. Honors content noted on transcript.

89HC. Honors Contracts. (1 unit)
Grading: P/NP or Letter grade. Format: Tutorial. Restricted to students in College Honors and departmental honors programs. Adjunct to a lower-division lecture course. Individual study with instructor of lecture to explore topics in greater depth through supplemental readings, papers, or other activities. Individual honors contract required. Honors content noted on transcript.

95. Introduction to Community or Corporate Internships. (2 to 4 fixed or variable units)
Grading basis P/NP. Tutorial. Entry-level community or corporate internship for lower division students who have completed 90 or fewer units. Students meet on a regular basis with a faculty member and provide periodic reports of their experience. Individual contract required.

97. Variable Topics. (fixed or variable units)
Grading: varies. Format: varies, many are set up as seminars. Topics vary by instructor. (Note: These are permanent offerings; no change from current reserved numbering.)

98. Temporary or Experimental Lower Division Courses. (Units vary depending on curriculum.)
Grading: P/NP or Letter grade. Format: Seminar or lecture. Professional schools and the College offer seminars or other temporary or experimental lower division courses.

98T. Collegium of University Teaching Fellows. (4 or 5 fixed units)
Grading: Letter grade only. Format: Seminar. Taught by advanced graduate students in their field of specialization. One-time-only offerings. Introduces students to a cutting edge of a discipline in a small seminar environment. (Note: no change from current numbering.)

99. Student Research Program. (1-2 variable units)
Grading: P/NP. Format: Tutorial (supervised research or other scholarly work), three hours per week per unit. Entry-level research for lower-division students under guidance of a faculty mentor. Enrollment by contract. Students must be in good academic standing and enrolled in a minimum of 12 units (excluding this course). May be repeated; consult the Undergraduate Research Center. Contract required.

Upper-Division Seminars/Tutorials

188. Experimental or Temporary Courses. (1-5 fixed units)
Grading: P/NP or Letter grade. Format: varies (e.g., seminar, lecture, lab). Titles vary depending on course. Departmentally sponsored experimental or temporary courses, such as courses taught by visiting faculty. Usually approved for one term or one year. (Note: Formerly 198 courses.)

188SA, 188SB, 188SC. Individual Studies for USIE Facilitators. (1 unit)
Grading: Letter grade. Format: seminar. Faculty mentors work closely with USIE student facilitators during Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters to develop and present a spring USIE seminar. Individual contracts are required.

189. Advanced Honors Seminars. (1 unit)
Grading: P/NP or Letter grade. Format: Seminar. Limited to 20 students. Designed as adjunct to an upper-division lecture course. Explores topics in greater depth through supplemental readings, papers, or other activities. Led by instructor of the lecture course. Applies toward honors credit for eligible students. Honors content noted on transcript.

189HC. Honors Contracts. (1 unit)
Grading: P/NP or Letter grade. Format: Tutorial. Restricted to students in College Honors and departmental honors programs. Adjunct to an upper-division lecture course. Individual study with instructor of lecture to explore topics in greater depth through supplemental readings, papers, or other activities. Individual honors contract required. Honors content noted on transcript.

190. Research Colloquia. (1-2 fixed units)
Grading: P/NP only. Format: Seminar. Designed to bring students doing supervised tutorial research together in a seminar setting with one or more faculty to discuss their own work or related work in a discipline. Led by one of the supervising faculty.

191. Variable Topics Research Seminars. (1-5 fixed units)
Grading: varies. Format: Seminar. Research seminar on selected topics. Reading, discussion, and development of culminating project. Note: variable topic lecture courses must be offered under a different number.

192. Undergraduate Practicum. (2-4 fixed units)
Grading: P/NP or letter grade. Format: Seminar. Limited to juniors/seniors. Training and supervised practicum for advanced undergraduates. Students assist in preparation of materials and development of innovative programs under the guidance of a faculty member in a small course setting.

193. Journal Club Seminars. (1 or 2 fixed units)
Grading: P/NP only. Format: Seminar. Limited to undergraduates. Discussion of readings selected from current literature of the field. Can also be used for speakers-series seminars.

194. Research Group or Internship Seminars. (1 or 2 fixed units)
Grading: P/NP only. Format: Seminar. Designed for undergraduates who are part of a research group or internship. Discussion of research methods and current literature in the field or discussion of faculty’s or student’s own research. May meet concurrently with a graduate research seminar in the same department (use “C” prefix). May use 194I for internship adjunct.

Upper-Division Tutorials 195-199

195. Community or Corporate Internship. (2-4 fixed units)
Grading P/NP or Letter grade. Format: Tutorial. Limited to juniors/seniors. Contract required with supervising faculty member. Internship in a supervised setting in a community agency or business. Student meets on a regular basis with instructor and provides periodic reports of their experience.

195CE. Community or Corporate Internship. (2-4 fixed units)
Grading P/NP or Letter grade. Format: Tutorial. Limited to juniors/seniors. Contract required. Supervised by the Center for Community Learning and a department faculty member.

196. Research Apprenticeship. (2-4 fixed or variable units)
Grading: P/NP. Format: Tutorial (supervised research), three hours per week per unit. Limited to juniors/seniors. Contract required. Entry-level research apprenticeship for upper-division students under guidance of a faculty mentor. Student learns skills and techniques. May be repeated; consult department.

197. Individual Studies. (2-4 fixed or variable units)
Grading: P/NP or Letter grade. Format: Tutorial. Limited to juniors/seniors. Contract required. Individual intensive study, with scheduled meetings to be arranged between a faculty member and a student. Assigned readings and tangible evidence of mastery of the subject matter required.

198. Honors Research. (2-4 fixed or variable units)
Grading: Letter grade only. Format: Tutorial. Limited to juniors/seniors. Contract required. Development and completion of an honors thesis or comprehensive research project under direct supervision of a faculty mentor.

199. Directed Research or Senior Project. (2-4 fixed or variable units)
Grading P/NP or Letter grade. Format: Tutorial. Limited to juniors/seniors. Contract required. Research under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Supervised individual research or investigation. Culminating paper or project required.