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UCLA Registrar's Office

Student Affairs staff who are responsible for student records, or who have OASIS access, are required to take the FERPA quiz to receive or continue access to student records.

The FERPA tutorial and quiz are designed to inform staff of their responsibility to respect the confidentiality of student and department records, to protect student privacy, and to act in a professional manner when interacting with the public in person and over the telephone.

Campus personnel with access to student records data in any location or format (SRS, SAWeb, SRDB, Enterprise Directory, etc.) are required to complete the FERPA Quiz before gaining access to student data, and to take the quiz every two years to continue access.

The FERPA tutorial may be studied at any time. To receive confirmation of completion, staff must use their UCLA Logon ID and have an e-mail address recorded in the Campus Directory.

Staff found acting indiscreetly with confidential material, or not protecting the privacy of a student, may be disciplined or dismissed. These actions are necessary to maintain high professional standards and the integrity of the University, and to ensure compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).

FERPA Tutorial

1. Who is a student?

2. What rights do students have under FERPA?

3. What are student or education records?

4. What is considered personally identifiable, public information at UCLA?

5. What cannot be included in public information?

6. How can students restrict the release of personally identifiable, public information?

7. As a staff member, how will I know if a student has a FERPA restriction on the student record, and how should I reply to requests?

8. What are the exceptions to FERPA?

9. What information can be disclosed in connection to financial aid?

10. What rights do parents have to access their children’s student records?

11. What rights do students have to inspect their records?

12. How can students correct errors in their records?